• Question: are there other galaxys out there

    Asked by masterjarjaraj to Leonie, James, Anna on 13 Mar 2015.
    • Photo: James Pope

      James Pope answered on 13 Mar 2015:

      Hi Masterjarjarj,

      There are loads of other galaxys out there, our nearest is called Andromeda, which is about 2.5 million light years away. That is so far, that light from there that is reaching us now, is from before the ice ages started and when our earliest ancestors were just climbing out of trees.

    • Photo: Leonie Oostwoud Wijdenes

      Leonie Oostwoud Wijdenes answered on 17 Mar 2015:

      Like James said, there are many other galaxys than ours, the Milky Way. Some have funny names because of their shape, like Whirlpool, Pinwheel and Cigar
