• Question: is it possible for a disease to start a zombie like disaster

    Asked by KaiF to Anna, James, Joe, Leonie, Olivia on 16 Mar 2015.
    • Photo: James Pope

      James Pope answered on 16 Mar 2015:

      Hi KaiF,

      Disease can definately start disasters which leave many people dead, the Ebola crisis in West Africa over the past year is evidence of that. Spanish Flu in 1918 or 1919 killed as many people in Europe as World War I, so it can be very dangerous and diseases can cause major disasters.

      However, I don’t think we ever need to fear the dead rising up as a result of a disease. That said, I do have my personal zombie survival plan, mentally prepared, just in case.

    • Photo: Joe Spencer

      Joe Spencer answered on 16 Mar 2015:

      Diseases can spread quickly dependant on the type, parasitic, viral or bacterial.
      As for Zombie diseases there’s not been any human zombies….
      Rabies can be transmitted through bites and causes people to have erratic weird behaviour .
      The most similar to ‘zombie disease’
      is a fungus that infects bugs and insects that controls the minds of ants etc making them move to the top layer of grass where they die and allow the fungal spore to grow.
      But i’m always prepared for a zombie apocalypse just in case

    • Photo: Olivia Lynes

      Olivia Lynes answered on 18 Mar 2015:

      Lets hope not! If they do remember Zombies only die if you hit them round the head.
