• Question: Neuroscience is the study of the brain if so what is the most active part of our brain

    Asked by Harry to Anna on 8 Mar 2015.
    • Photo: Anna Ashton

      Anna Ashton answered on 8 Mar 2015:

      That’s a good question, the thing is the most active part of the brain will change depending on what you’re doing, because you use different parts of the brain for different things.

      For example if you’re playing tennis the parts of your brain responsible for controlling actions will be the most active, these are the motor cortex and the cerebellum.

      Or if you’re doing an exam and trying to remember what you revised then the hippocampus will probably be very busy, this is the part of your brain responsible for memory.

      Even when you’re resting and fast asleep your brain is still active though.
      Sleep is important as it’s when the brain sorts through everything that happened during the day. It will re-live things that you’ve learnt so that you can remember them the next day.
      It does this by making the connections between brain cells stronger. Some people think this is why we dream at night.

      Thanks for the question! 🙂
