• Question: what is the galaxy strongest materiel

    Asked by KaiF to Anna, James, Joe, Leonie, Olivia on 16 Mar 2015.
    • Photo: Joe Spencer

      Joe Spencer answered on 16 Mar 2015:

      There’s lots of strong materials on Earth like graphene for example, or carbon nanotubes.
      But the strongest material in the galaxy… Is probably a neutron star.
      A neutron star is a ball of tightly packed neutrons, with no protons what so ever, it’s so dense that a teaspoon of neutron star (let’s call it neutronium to sound cool) would weigh about 90 million tonnes!!!!

    • Photo: James Pope

      James Pope answered on 16 Mar 2015:

      Hi KaiF,

      Joe has nailed this one, good question though!

      I’d also throw diamond in teh running for strongest material on Earth

    • Photo: Olivia Lynes

      Olivia Lynes answered on 16 Mar 2015:

      Great question. I’d suggest you look up graphene and graphyne as well there’s some pretty cool videos out there on what they can do.
