• Question: What would happen if the Earth ran out of reasources and we had to leave?Which planet would we go to?

    Asked by JeffreyTongwa to Joe, James on 18 Mar 2015.
    • Photo: James Pope

      James Pope answered on 18 Mar 2015:

      Hi JeffreyTongwa,

      If Earth ran out of resources and we needed to leave, our best bet would be to move to one of the moons of Saturn such as Titan as it is believed that these moons have resources we could use. As the group are close together we could utilise the different moons as we needed.

      Whilst Mars in an obvious choice we don’t think it is very high in key resources.

      To leave our Solar System, we would be travelling for thousands of years and would need either new technology to make the journey quicker or to allow us to go into deep sleep.

    • Photo: Joe Spencer

      Joe Spencer answered on 18 Mar 2015:

      I agree with James, and Stephen Hawking is also saying for the human race to survive we need to leave earth. I think if technology permitted we could become a nomadic space based species, travelling on colony ships looking for worlds we can settle on, or mars, that’s an option, there’s plenty of resources in space, we should be able to mine asteroids soon.
